Saturday, July 19, 2008

SEO Tools -- W3C HTML Validator & Google Ranking Factors

W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium. They are the code validation specialists. The tool they offer will check all of the html, xml, or other code on your web page and tell you what is wrong, missing, or incorrect. It even shows you what to do to fix it. Search engine spiders will stop reading a page if the code is horrible. Check your code and fix any errors you can.

The page provided for Google Ranking Factors tells you exactly how to set up your coding on and off your websites and pages to ensure the best results in Google. The other engines pretty much follow what Google decides, so this is the SEO Bible as far as I’m concerned. It gives you a
ton of information regarding every aspect of SEO and could easily be something that this company charged for.

The largest problem with SEO information is how outdated it normally is. This page is constantly updated and you can trust that what you find there is accurate and worth listening to. While search engines change their algorithms constantly, this page will keep up with the changes and ensurethat you’re informed.


I use WebCeo mainly to monitor my sites rankings in the search engines. Here are some of the things that it can do:

Get the list of keywords and keyphrases that will bring most targeted visitors to your site.
Optimize your Web pages for top-10 positions and superior visibility in major search engines all over the globe. Submit your site to search engines that bring so much traffic to your competition. Analyze and build links by performing a profound link research and then finding and contacting the best of potential link partners. Manage pay-per-click campaigns from a single unified workspace. Track your positions in search engines and know for sure how effective your Website promotion efforts are.

Get a ground-breaking insight into site, its visitors, and the origins of traffic. Who are they? Where do they come from? And 100 more reports! Easily edit your Web pages in Visual and HTML views. Get instantaccess to important tags without striving through HTML. Change anything on your pages with one click.

Upload any file or folder to your host without getting through sophisticated FTP routines. Monitor the availability of your website to know when your server or host goes down to immediately react. Web CEO comes in a free version that is completely full featured and ad
free. The paid edition is even better and has no limitations at all.